Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Ben Nevis deja vu fundraiser

A fund raising event to help with the work in Gogo has been organised. They organisers write on their Facebook page:

We plan to climb Ben Nevis (the highest mountain in the UK) on the 11/09/10. Some of us will attempt to do this twice on the same day. This is a charity fundraiser and the best way to help is by donating through the website below. All proceeds will go straight to Aid4Gogo (http://www.aid4gogo.blogspot.com/). The only primary school in Gogo, Ivory Coast, West Africa was badly damaged during the civil war which started 8 years ago.There are currently 115 children in the village who would benefit from this facility. 100% of all donations will be used to purchase materials to help restore the village school.

Check it out!
